Just In Time For The Holidays...

The Studio Pros elves have been busy at work this holiday season. We wanted to share a Christmas song produced by our team this holiday season, fresh out of the studio.  Every once in a while a songwriter will come along with a NEW Christmas song to switch up the holiday classics while still getting ... [Read More]

Studio Pros introduces: Live Strings

After years of discussing how we'd love to add a live string section, I'm happy to announce we've finally done it!  Introducing Studio Pros' Live String Section.  Say no more to those mediocre midi string samples and unrealistic orchestral pads. We have added onto our team a talented string arra ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Tony Perre

Thinking his music career was over, Arizona-based artist Tony Perre used Studio Pros to get back in the game. "My experience with Studio Pros has allowed me to dream a little bit more about what I can actually accomplish as a musician," says Tony Perre. "Studio Pros has allowed me to take all of my ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: English Earl

Using Studio Pros to breathe new life into some old songs, English Earl successfully proved to himself that he had what it takes to make great music. English Earl suspected he had some good songs on his hands, but he knew his productions just weren't going to cut it against the high-quality recordi ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Richard Davia

Richard Davia is a singer-songwriter and recording artist based in Providence, Rhode Island. His melodic, well-crafted soft-rock tunes reflect a career spanning more than 20 years as a professional musician. Richard recently had his latest song, "Breaking Up Around Me", produced at Studio Pros. htt ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Gary Henson

Native Californian and singer-songwriter Gary Henson's music brings together a melting pot of varied rhythms and authentic experiences. Raised in L.A., Gary now lives in the foothills of the Sierras in Northern California, about 45 minutes northeast of Sacramento. A busy keyboardist, guitarist and v ... [Read More]

Studio Pros Announces New Female Vocalist

We've had a lot of requests for a female country vocalist and now we're happy to announce, we've got one!  Meet Tara. She is a youthful and versatile vocalist that can record beautiful vocals for country recordings, pop, ballads or adult contemporary.  I've only gotten positive feedback on the tr ... [Read More]

What Sample Rate and Bit Depth Should I Record My Songs At?

Almost every modern recording studio uses digital audio recording techniques for tracking their projects as opposed to analog audio tracking (digital recording became the norm in the early 80's). In digital audio,  the sound is being sampled X amount of times in a second. That's where we get the ter ... [Read More]

How to Record Vocals 3

In this part in the series of How to record vocals, I'll talk about vocal editing, and preparing your vocals for mixing. If you reach this part, you already have one or more vocal takes that you like and now you're in the process of piecing together your final vocal track. Start with the take you l ... [Read More]

How to Record Vocals 2

Dim the lights, get in the mood, you are about to record a killer vocal track for your song. You've put a lot of effort into recording your song and even put some money into buying your own home recording studio gear for recording vocals. Now it's your turn to get the most out of your vocals to comp ... [Read More]
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