Just In Time For The Holidays...

The Studio Pros elves have been busy at work this holiday season.

We wanted to share a Christmas song produced by our team this holiday season, fresh out of the studio.  Every once in a while a songwriter will come along with a NEW Christmas song to switch up the holiday classics while still getting us in a festive mood.  Mister Link's "Swingin Christmas" is one of those songs that makes me want to plug in my Christmas tree, put on my dancing shoes and sing along.  We finished this song just in time for Christmas!

Listen to "Swingin' Christmas", produced by Studio Pros, vocals and songwriting by Mister Link:

[audio:https://wpuload.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/swingin_christmas.mp3|titles=Mister Link - Swingin' Christmas]

Happy Holidays from the Studio Pros Team!

check out more on Mister Link at: http://misterlinkmusic.com/
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