Featured Artist: Theodore Frederickson

Theodore Frederickson used Studio Pros to help him write and record his songs and won a highly-competitive songwriting competition from Broadjam.com. "I vividly remember watching the very first appearance of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show when I was just a young kid," remembers Theodore Freder ... [Read More]

Follow Studio Pros on Twitter & Facebook

Studio Pros is joining in on the many online conversations about the music business! We want to hear what you, the independent artist, thinks about the state of the industry. We want you to show the world the projects you're working on with Studio Pros.  And we want to have a little fun, too! Follo ... [Read More]

Can Keyboards Give Drummers a Run For Their Money?

If you want a great drum track for your song, you might want to practice your... keyboard skills? Well, if this video teaches us anything, it's that we musicians should probably start shedding our keyboard chops if we want to record a funky, tight drum part: And if you want to really rock out, j ... [Read More]

Ho-Ho-Holiday Music!

It's that time of year once again: people are bundled up in their winter coats and mittens as they plow through lines at the mall, seasonal music is taking over the radio airwaves, and snow is pummeling the streets in an effort to close school early and give snowplow drivers a little something to do ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Manx

Juggling his music and a busy personal life, Manx found Studio Pros to be the perfect way to get professional recordings without having to leave his best friend's side. Studio Pros customer Manx calls his music "blue-eyed reggae," although he plays much more than that. "I do a little bit of ev ... [Read More]

TAXI Road Rally Winners!

Congratulations to these winners from this past weekend's TAXI Road Rally!  Please send an email to info@studiopros.com to claim your prize. 1002 - Max Witriol 1060 - Phoenix Rose 1071 - Marcus Black 1118 - Glenn Carter 1126 - Katherine Howe

Featured Artist: Jeremy Bright

Without a band of his own, Jeremy Bright turned to online musical collaborations to breathe new life into his songwriting. "I'll never be one of those people who lives for my job," says Jeremy Bright. "I live for my off hours and my passions and my hobbies." Bright's passions, of course, include ... [Read More]

Studio Pros Success Stories

So many Studio Pros artists have achieved musical success after producing their songs with us.  Here are just a few examples: -Matt Ryd recorded his album with Studio Pros and got his song placed on an episode of Scrubs. -Barb Bechler continues to pile up a list of song placements and songwriting a ... [Read More]

5 things you MUST know before you enter a local recording studio with your own band

1. Decide whether you want to record live (with the whole band playing together) or record one instrument track at a time. Even though recording live seems more fun, it’s actually much harder and requires renting a bigger, more expensive studio. 2. If you plan to record live, you should first try r ... [Read More]

5 things you MUST know before you enter a local recording studio without a band

1. Choose your session players wisely. Many local (non-commercial) studios will offer you their own musicians, or even to have their engineer play on your album.  But 99% of the time the result is just a mediocre instrumental track that will do nothing to set you apart from the thousands of othe ... [Read More]
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