Featured Artist: Barb Bechler

20 years ago she thought making music might be fun. Now with the help of Studio Pros, Barb Bechler has accomplished what she never thought possible. UPDATE: Barb has created dance/hip hop tracks from a capella demo versions to professional final products with the help of Studio Pros.  Three o ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: David Alter

Exploring the connection between health and music, David Alter teams up with Studio Pros to make professional recordings that will benefit health charities through his unique new company. David Alter is an artist who knows what he wants, and he uses the resources that Studio Pros provides to get ex ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Andy Kostek

Andy Kostek doesn't let a job that keeps him away from home stand in the way of recording the professional album he always wanted; with Studio Pros, he can record while on the road. Over a Pink Floyd-esque bed of electric and acoustic guitars, Andy Kostek's voice adds a distinct quality to his musi ... [Read More]
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