Most people use our service to record their music for albums or demos, then sell them through iTunes and send them off to radio stations and record label A&R departments. Lots of artists use Studio Pros to showcase their songwriting skills and enter contests. And many take our broadcast-quality productions and pursue film and TV licensing opportunities.
But some of our customers want to utilize our world-class session players for something completely different... Case in point: the Touchrock Pro iPhone app!
When a developer approached us about helping to make a rock and roll guitar iPhone app, we jumped at the opportunity. The task: have our guitarist record a selection of metal guitar riffs, chords and licks that the user could then "play" on their iPhone by pressing various buttons. So we recorded some heavy chords, a few chunky riffs, and plenty of shredding speed metal licks which were compiled into a guitar soundboard, complete with a guitar pedal-inspired graphical interface.
What will our customers think up next? If you have a novel idea for Studio Pros, submit it to our free project consultation page so we can hear about it!
And check out the Touchrock Pro iPhone app!