Studio Pros Songwriting Contest

We're always on the lookout for innovative songwriters. That's why Studio Pros is giving away a free $1,000 production in our first ever songwriting contest! All you have to do is submit a recording of one of your songs via Sonicbids (link below). It doesn't have to be a professional recording—we'll take care of that for you if you win! One winner will get a full production package worth $1,000 for free.

The cost for submission is just $5. Submission deadline is Friday, February 11th. Good luck!

Studio Pros Inc - $1,000 Music Production Submissions on Sonicbids

Submit your song online through Sonicbids! If you are not yet a Sonicbids member and want to submit online, visit and sign-up for the Sonicbids Combo Package (includes your submission AND a discounted Sonicbids membership). If you are already a Sonicbids member, log in to your Sonicbids account and visit the Promoter Drop Box to submit.
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