Making Your New Year's Music Resolutions
These are all great things to work toward, of course. And it's always a smart idea to do a little goal planning at the beginning of each year. It seems to be the season when we're most inspired to enact change in our lives and correct some things we've been doing wrong for far too long. So why not include some music goals in your list for this year?
Now is as good a time as any to stop putting off doing what you've wanted to do forever: make music your career.
If you've never set musical goals before, it's just like any other resolution you might make. Maybe you want to start doing aerobic exercse three times a week... You could also set aside time to write new songs three times a week.
Lots of folks resolve to spend more time with the people they care about. Maybe you'd also like to set aside a little more time to spend on your music.
Perhaps you think it's high time you left your job and found a better one. You might also decide it's time to record the album you've thought about for years now but never got around to making. You can break big goals into smaller tasks to make them seem less daunting. Recording a 12-song album might sound tough, but it's not so bad if you record one song a month. 30 days sounds like plenty of time to record just one song, right? By the end of the year, you wind up with a brand spanking new album's worth of material. How convenient!
You've got so many goals for your life, but it's easy to let these goals get in the way of your musical aspirations. So do a little of both this year. As in, right now. Remember, start small—all it takes is a little time here and there. Slowly you can build until you've got a solid music routine in your daily life. And when you're ready to record that dream album, all you need is about 15 minutes a day if you record it with Studio Pros. That's it.
You'd be selling yourself short if you didn't give yourself a solid music goal for the year. We'll help you achieve it so you can look back on 2011 and say you did everything you could to take your music career to the next level. Click here to get started on a production now!