Featured Artist: Mark Timmerman

untitled-designAs we are approaching the holiday season, we wanted to get you ready for Christmas with a recent song we've produced! (I know, I know... Christmas songs already?)

This weeks featured artist, Mark Timmerman, isn't your every day songwriter. He leads a very busy day to day life working with the California Legislature. The first time I spoke with Mark, he was a bit hesitant to of send his songs online to get professionally recorded with our team. After a few conversations of discussing his vision and idea for his song "We Call Today Our Christmas", we had transformed his very scratch ideas into a beautifully transformed full production.

We started the project by taking his lyrics and having our talented keyboardist write a custom chord progression and melody to bring his lyrics to life. From there, we chose Sara to deliver the vocals, and eventually upgraded to full production adding elements of percussion, upright bass, strings, and Evan singing supportive lead and backing vocals to give it a bigger sound.

Check out "We Call Today Our Christmas", Produced by StudioPros

[audio mp3="https://wpuload.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/04173005/We-call-today-our-christmas.mp3"][/audio]

From Copyrighting Your Song To Full Music Production

I met Studio Pros when one of their staff people reached out after seeing my lyrics at the US Copy Right Office to talk about my future plans for the song.  The process of working with Studio Pros has been excellent and when I didn’t understand the online process or technical musical needs, Kati was always available to walk me through the process either verbally or technically!

The truth is, if I hadn’t met StudioPros I’m not sure the song would have ever made it to a professional production. While I was in control of the sound and the process, StudioPros ability to advance the song one step at a time kept encouraging me to invest the time and resources to take the song from written lyrics to a full production. The combination of Kati’s production skills, talented musicians and wonderful voices gave me the confidence to keep developing the song one step at a time from beginning to end.

Anyone Can Produce A Song With StudioPros

This is the first song I have written or produced.  The only instrument I used in writing it was my own voic e with a little help from a piano AP on my IPad.  I actually did a Copy Write version with my own acapella voice.


My goal for the song is simple. I hope that a few church and/or Christmas programs will consider adding it to their Christmas Choral performances. While I understand it may not happen, my first goal has been met. I have written and produced a Christmas song with a great message, a nice melody and great production with the help of Studio Pros.

Have Lyrics, But No Melody? StudioPros Can Help.

I consider myself a bit of a poet, so songwriting is totally new. Lyrics and words come easy but melody is very difficult. I hope this experience opens new doors to my personal creativity.

Everyday life tends to influence me more than music. The inspiration for my Christmas song came first from a poem I wrote several years ago.  I wrote the poem out of a frustration that our society seems to  reject our own traditions too easily and a sadness that in many places the beautiful word Christmas has been completely cast aside.  Thus, I felt inspired to write a poem about why I believe Christmas is and should be called Christmas.

I was immediately inspired to turn the poem into a song…I remember thinking “I don’t know anyone who has written a Christmas, song so why not”.  That being said the first version of the song was a bit clumsy and way too long,  but after Studio Pros reached out finally (after two re-writes of the lyrics)  the melody finally took form in my head.

Get your songs produced by StudioPros

If you are interested in getting YOUR songs produced professionally, don’t hesitate to contact an available producer.

To read more about our music production or order online:

If you’d like to discuss getting a project started, call: 1-310-928-7776. We look forward to working with you soon!
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