Communicating With Session Musicians

Communication. The root of a lot of sessions that go wrong as well as relationships in general not working out comes down to this word COMMUNICATION. After years of working on productions in all styles, languages with different personalities, I thought I'd throw together a quick blog on what I have seen WORKS.

Keep it short.

Musicians in general don't like to read. I have seen clients write paragraphs upon paragraphs of changes that they'd like to have made. What a session musician is looking for is quick, precise feedback. To the point. No graphs and charts please!

Provide clear references.

Youtube links are a quick way to communicate an idea or direction you'd like to take a project. Especially if you are working online with a session musician, it's important to get an idea of your taste so they know that you like.

Mention changes based on timecode of session.

Ex: From 2:22 - 2:47 I'd like to have a 4 on the floor drum beat. If you are vague about where you want the musician to modify or make a change to your session they will unclear of what you like and what you'd like changed. The time codes on the player in your StudioPros account is a fail proof way of communicating exactly where in the session you'd like to change the project.

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