5 Rules for Meeting with A&R

If you've set up a meeting with the A&R person of a record company, congratulations! That's a great first step toward kickstarting your music career. But the work has only just begun... Setting a meeting was just part one of trying to convince them that you should be added to their artist roster. ... [Read More]

Musicians never fail... They just stop trying

Everyone was born with the inherent ability to be happy. So why aren't we happy all the time? Personally, I think it's because we've taught ourselves to be unhappy. Here's my explanation: We all have our own personal thoughts and mottos about our happiness. Many people say, "If I had money/good h ... [Read More]

Grabe sus canciones on line

Envíanos tu canción y le ayudaremos a producirla de principio a fin, dándole una grabación original listo para cine y televisión, emisiones de radio o como una demostración muy profesional para enviar a los sellos discográficos. Su canción será interpretada por cinco musicos de classe mundial del S ... [Read More]
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