Featured Artist: John Lindsell

Anthemic Earth-themed power ballad bursts forth to deliver an incredible message of unity. "From the sub-tropical coast of Queensland, Australia, it’s a tiring fourteen-hour haul to L.A. by Dreamliner, so when music producer Dom Williams assured me StudioPros could electronically reach every cor ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Simon Strauss

"Four Winters" is a recent production that StudioPros has produced for Australian songwriter Simon Strauss. His music falls into the folk, acoustic, rock genre. I have had the pleasure of working on Simon's music for several years now. Catchy melodies and meaningful story-telling lyrics are at the c ... [Read More]

We Could All Use Some Holiday Humor

Tim Tim Tye is a client that I have worked with for the past 5 years, producing over an album’s worth of material. I just had to share one of our latest collaborations, “Retail at Christmas.” When Tim approached me with this song, I was excited to work on a more comical song for the holidays. A lot ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Lot Ta Styles

Mr. Stinky is reggae/rap artist based out of Kansas City, Missouri.  Born and raised in the States, you can still hear where Mr. Stinky's roots come from as his father is from Saint Catherine, Jamaica. The tropical beats have island tones and that worldly cross over style that blends reggae sensibil ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Eddie B

This month's featured artist is a New Mexico based preacher, performer and recording artist Eddie B. I call him the "modern day Johnny Cash" as his mission for music and performing has a similar tone to Cash's performances at Folsom Prison. Eddie has been using his original music to reach individ ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: 23rd Hour

Christmas music puts a smile on my face when done right. Key words- when done right. This month's featured artist, 23rd Hour comprised of the duo of George Paolini and Sherry-Lynn Lee have just released their full holiday album, Let A Day Together Be Christmas. I'm really proud of the way it all tur ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Elois Fuller

A well produced Christmas song can be marketable year after year. Cue this month's featured artist, Elois Fuller. Elois contacted StudioPros to help her take her lyric ideas and transform them into a professionally produced song from the ground up. Elois didn't have any melodic ideas or a chord p ... [Read More]

Neovaii Releases New Album Horizon

Congratulations to one of our long time favorite EDM producers Neovii on his latest release Horizon! This is the second album release collaboration with StudioPros and we're really proud of how everything turned out. Neovaii teamed up with our vocalist Chloe to complete the lyrics and melody (top ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Ronnie Souza

I've had the pleasure of working with Ronnie Souza for the past 3 years to help complete his full album of productions. The StudioPros team has fully produced the album from the ground up using live band instrumentation ranging from rock arrangements, to adding full horn sections and live string arr ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Tommy DeCarlo

This month's featured artist, Tommy DeCarlo, is the current lead singer for the band BOSTON. Going from everyday dad with a job at his local Home Depot, to singing lead for his favorite band BOSTON later in life- this is my favorite client story to date. He is the most relatable rockstar that I've e ... [Read More]
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