Musicians never fail... They just stop trying

Everyone was born with the inherent ability to be happy. So why aren't we happy all the time? Personally, I think it's because we've taught ourselves to be unhappy. Here's my explanation: We all have our own personal thoughts and mottos about our happiness. Many people say, "If I had money/good h ... [Read More]

The Ultimate Guide to Music Promotion

The Internet can be a bit of a blessing and a curse for musicians.  On the one hand, it provides modern artists with an unprecedented number of avenues to gain exposure.  From MySpace to Facebook to music blogs, there are countless ways bands and artists can potentially reach thousands, even million ... [Read More]

Choosing the right key for your song

Choosing a key for your song doesn't just affect how high or low you will sing it. Different musical keys mean different moods and vibes for your song. You may notice one minor key sounds darker than another (Nigel Tufnel famously dubbed D minor to be the "saddest of all keys" in This Is Spinal Ta ... [Read More]

How minimalist music production can maximize your hit song potential

Many musicians might think that in order to record a smash hit song, they need to have a complex, full production complete with lush string sections and layers of stacked vocal tracks.  But the arrangement isn't the part of the song that makes it a hit--a great song should really speak for itself, n ... [Read More]

Pro Session Players Are Right At Your Fingertips

You may have seen the title of this post and wondered to yourself, "How could I possibly have professional session musicians at my fingertips?  I'm an independent musician who doesn't have the resources."  You're not alone in thinking that--plenty of indie musicians out there have the same mindset. ... [Read More]

Recording Vocals: Finding The Right Recording Studio

Vocals can make or break your song's potential.  Having a sub-par vocal track can bring down an otherwise great song.  But an excellent, professional vocal recording can be the key element that puts your song in "radio ready" territory.  There are any number of reasons why you might want to find a r ... [Read More]

Finding the Right Music Producer

Finding the right producer for my music has been about as hard as finding the right words for my songs.  Frustrated with my lack of budget to record my songs with the high quality they deserve, I've even resorted to asking fellow musicians to help me for free.  Because of this, "We'll work on it nex ... [Read More]

Recording Guitar–And Making it Sound Great!

You’ve written a hit song. You have a guitar (perfectly in tune, of course) and a microphone.  You might even have a drum beat recorded and ready to go.  All the tools you need to record a guitar part are at your disposal...  But what can you do to lay down a GREAT-sounding part, instead of just a ... [Read More]

Pre-production: the core of a professional production

Most of Studio Pros' full music production projects start with the rhythm section tracks--first the drums, then the bass immediately after. Later on, we continue to the guitars, keyboards and any other instruments. The vocals are usually last to be recorded, right before the mixing and mastering ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Tim Knighton

Ever wondered how a full music production is made?  Here's the step-by-step process of how Tim Knighton produced his first song. It all starts with an idea.  In Tim Knighton's case, it was an idea for his original song called "Hail the Woman," one of many tunes he wanted to record for an album.  "T ... [Read More]
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